Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yummy Date Treat

Megan wants the recipe for the date treat I had at Lizzies that I mentioned in the post below. Here it is!

First it needs to be fresh dates. They sell them at costco in a container not a bag. Ask Rebecca or Lizzie where. I got some at a farmers market where Lizzie lives.

1 Recipe makes 8 yummy treats (small but tasty, I'm sure you could double it or triple it)

8 dates
1/4 ounce of walnut pieces
3 tsp cocoa
1/2 tsp maple syrup(real thing if you want it to be healthy snack)
1 tsp coconut oil (I think you might have to go to a health food store for this but I'm not sure)

Pit dates if they are not already pitted. Chop walnuts into small pieces and put into dates, just enough so they can still be closed so to speak. In a small measuring cup, if you have the heavy duty kind use that. Heat over low heat just until warm the last 3 ingredients. Take off heat, mix thourghly. Dip your dates in it.

I haven't tried it yet because I just got home and don't feel well. I didn't watch Lizzie, so I would think you would use a fork or a toothpick to dip them. If it doesnt' turn out right call Rebecca, Lizzie is crazy busy right now. For WW's it is 1 pp for 4 dates. You really can't eat too many because they are really rich. The first one I ate I said "oh I can taste the coconut oil." After that I didn't even notice it Rebecca or Lizzie invented this I think I'm just a world of knowledge tonight aren't I! Bon Appetit


Megan and Greg said...

Oh my gosh, this whole time I was thinking a date was a BEET. That's a big difference. Anyway. Dates are really sweet. I'm not sure if I wanna try this now. But maybe the dates I had were different than the ones at costco, or fresh ones. The ones I had were dried in the bulk section. That could make a big difference, so maybe I will try it. Thanks!!!!

Grandma, Nonnie said...
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Grandma, Nonnie said...

I like the idea of the dates and I think they would be good and dad would like them, as he love dates and eats them when I have them around. I am sorry you are sick, and hope you are doing better. I think you get sick when you work so long and hard and become overtired and pick up a germ and your immune system is low. Take time to wash your hands well and take so extra vit. C when you are going to be around the kids. I have your quilt ready and I wish you had it so you could use it now, it would be easy for you to keep warm with. I hate it when I have to go to the bathroom and I am all cozy and have to get up to do it. I love you and I need to get with you soon. We are going to TX to see Sherry, as she is undergoing chemo again. She isn't doing as well as she could, but she is cancer free at present. I pray she will be able to keep fighting it and stay with us for awhile. Hugs and Kisses

Aliese the Writer said...

I just read your last three posts. I'm sorry you're sick! It sounds awful. I haven't been sick in a while and I am so grateful! I think I have been eating a lot better and watching less TV. I think it's been helping.

You sound really busy, but you still posted and I didn't! I'm so ashamed. It's too late for me to post tonight, but I PROMISE I will post soon. I promise myself more than to anyone else. I've been doing good, but need to write more! in my journal, on my blog and just stories. I'll try to do better.

Sorry, this comment is mostly about me. I love you so much and loved your posts. :)