Monday, December 3, 2012


My life right now has 3 big things.  Getting ready to move, WW's having a new program and tons of reading, studying, test taking and etc, and last but not least, Primary. 

I found out 2 weeks ago that the Primary is in charge of the Christmas party.  Thank goodness for an amazing counselor who loves the internet and is always coming up with new ideas.  Some days it's overwhelming, but lately I have decided to look at her as my idea woman.  She's my Jarad of the Brother of Jarad story.  It's great I've decided. (I am not comparing me to the brother of Jarad!!!!) Then there is the whole getting ready for the New year, bulliten boards the theme and etc. 

So combine all that with regular chores and Christmas and I  was going to bed crying every night as I would hit my knees to say my night time prayer.  I have all but quit watching TV unless it's a movie with Steve at night. I havn't been able to talk to people as much on the phone, and leisure has disappeared.  So as I would get down to say my prayers I would be so overwhelmed by all I have to do and feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere that it was getting really stressful and quite frankly depressing in a way I haven't been in a long time.

Saturday as fast Sunday approached I thought, "what do I want to fast about.  I felt strongly (Holy Ghost telling you strongly) that I was to fast about how to get everything done and not be depressed.  So I did.  I listened carefully to the Testimonies and got some thoughts. Then during the 1st Pres Christmas Message the answer came.  I have noticed for sometime that Pres.  Monson says that it is possible to be happy in hard times, and I have generally looked at life in a positive vein.  But Sunday it hit me in a way it never had, all 3 of them talked about looking for the blessings in a little different way.  I realized that what I needed to do was when I got down to say my prayers and when I write in my journal I need to thank Heavenly Father for all the good things that happened that day.  Not think about all the things I still have to do and what I didn't get done.  Instead I just started thanking Heavenly Father for everything that specifically went well that day, not just the normal things.  I came to know in a way I never have before that when Pres Monson says there are more good things in our lives than bad, he is RIGHT!!!!  I went on and on, and then this morning and through the day I thought of even more things that went well yesterday.  There truly are way more things that go good in a day, not the generic, grateful things that are always there, but lots of little things and big things that don't happen every day.  I woke up with a happy spirit. 

Love you all!!


Grandma, Nonnie said...

You are so right, and that is what I have been trying to do instead of worrying about what I haven't done. I have really been reading too much and I am hooked on those books you lent to me. I am grateful for them as they have reminded me of so many things to be thankful for. You are such a sweet daughter,wife, mother, and grandmother and I should add sister. I love you so much.

Carin said...

Yea Sharon!!! Sometimes it is so difficult to look at the good things when we perfectionists can't get our entire lists done. Ugh! I am having a similar lesson....learning it doesn't really matter if the list gets finished and that some things on the list just aren't that important. If I will get up in the morning and make a list that has the added help of the Spirit, it is usually realistic and can be completed. Even though I have more things to do, I feel good because the things on the list were finished, and that was my only real goal today. (And they were finished without neglecting my little ones!) So on we go, right? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.......(I love Dory's attitude!) Have a Merry, merry Christmas! I am excited that you get to move back to the house you love and sorry I am not there to help!

Danielle said...

You are such a good example of turning to the Lord when you are in need. I understand...I have a lot to do these days and I am trying really hard to not let it destroy the Christmas season! I want to enjoy my days and see happy things and be happy while being stressed...haha. I love you!!!!

Danielle said...

This is a great quote


that is wonderful. I'm so happy for you. the miracle of fasting. I look forward to fasting again. haven't in a long time! i love you!