Monday, March 8, 2010


One of the neat things about moving is surprises. About a week or so ago, I woke up to find daffodils and these purple flowers. Fun! Below is the whole bed, and then the cute purple ones.About 3 weeks ago I planted some garlic in my greenhouse. Some of them were already sprouting so I planted them about 1" be above the soil. I went back the next week (I only go to the greenhouse once a week after Weight Watchers) and this is what I found. Cool huh! Here are some close ups. These are my herbs at least what is left of them since I pruned them. I need to probably keep them smaller so I don't have to do such a severe pruning job. It's just when the summer comes, everything just goes crazy. Well, love you all!


Kristi M. said...

I loved it when we moved into this house and everything was a suprise. The little purple flowers that you have growing are muscari or Grape Hyacinth. They grow from bulbs and are really carefree. We have them in my yard and I love them. I also noticed you have what looks like under your daffodils, Heather. I love heather and it really doesn't grow here. I love this time of year when color starts coming around again.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful pictures Mom. Daffodils...sigh. I'm jealous, it snowed here yesterday. Love you.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful pictures Mom. Daffodils...sigh. I'm jealous, it snowed here yesterday. Love you.


pretty cool!

Grandma, Nonnie said...

YES!!!! We have lots of flowers and daffies growing now and I love the trees. It makes me believe SPRING isn't too far away. But it rained a lot today sigh. I get tired of the rain around this time of year. LOL Mom

Aliese the Writer said...

That is so cool you have daffodils. I haven't seen very many of them. WHen you said that about pruning that reminded me of your green house when we were there. We couldn't even walk to the other side. It was amazing to see it after we cleaned it up. Love you so much! :)

Not quite the Bradys said...

Hooray for finding bulb flowers growing! You should know though, those cute little purple ones are called Grape Hyacinths and they are very aggressive (almost weed-like). You have to be very diligent about thinning them or they will take over and choke out everything else you have growing around there. They will also spread like wildfire. I love them. My aunt used to have them but she said they multiply by 4 every year so they were too much work and when she moved she never planted them again.