Saturday, October 27, 2012


I basically skipped the summer, so occasionally I am going to go backwards.  The Greenhouse was kind of a disappointment this summer.  The sun didn't shine as much as it should, I was gone a lot and so I didn't work in it as much.  It was still a wonderful place, but most of the summer I ended up forgetting or not being able to find my music that I play in there.  So on those dreary days I would basically walk in do what was absolutely necessary and walk out.  My peppers were full of aphids and that is one of my great joys-big sweet wonderfully crunchy peppers.  They grow abundantly in the green house until about the end of November.  One by one I pulled them up and got maybe one pepper.  Sad!  I used a new compost this year, big mistake.  Going back to my expensive one.  My cucumbers which are usually unbelievably productive got some wire worms that attacked the main root and they died early. (I think from the compost!) The moral of the story?  Not be gone as much in the summer, go back to growing all my plants from seed with my awesome plant stand that Mike made me, and lastly go back to my wonderful compost that I usually buy.  Mike made me this wonderful plant stand for growing starts from seed.  He finished it just before we moved.  Not really knowing what I was going to do greenhouse wise, I left it in the greenhouse, which would be great if we lived there.  Sooooo this year I am going to bring it up here, put it in our garage and grow me some amazing tomato, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers and I 'm sure something else, oh and herb plants.  The best year and best plants I have had so far since doing the greenhouse was the year I grew my own starts, they are stronger and healthier.  They don't get stressed in the mail or sitting in a nursery until someone buys them.  I am excited!

Well, have a busy and fun day planned.  Monday is my 56th b-day and  my favorite restaurant is closed on Mondays, so we are going there tonight- Aprils.....ahhhhhh.  I am going to sew on my youngest grandsons quilt  and a few other things that are more boring. :-) Oh and I have 2 blogs below also!

love you all!


Danielle said...

I hope you got the package from amazon for your birthday! That's good you guys are going tonight to Aprils :) I am getting really excited to do a garden next year. I am really planning on doing it so maybe we can plan on you coming out and visiting when I want to get it started! Love you!!!


mike will love reading this, it will make him happy that you use what he made you. love you.