Sunday, September 16, 2007

Conference/New calling/ geting ready for the new Beach House

This weekend was our Stake Conference. I think I mentioned my calling to some of you, but maybe not all, I have been called to the Stake Primary, I am first counselor. About 2 weeks ago I went to the temple for Courtenay's endowments. The projector was broken and so they had these little drop down screens that show the movie and words at the bottom. The little screens are for the hearing impaired or for other languages. So you see, hear, and can read. I think it is human nature to read when there are words, so that is what I did. When it came time for the last covenant about giving of your time, means and talents and whatever the Lord may bless you to the Church of Jesus Christ and etc. I felt this real strong feeling come over me. I interpreted it as a need to give more to my calling. I thought that Heavenly Father was telling me that I needed to do better. So I thought about that and decided to do better. After we left the temple, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It just kept coming back to me. I kept thinking boy I really need to have an attitude check and do more. The first thing the next morning (Sunday) it was the first thing I thought about. I thought that was really odd. So often when I go to the temple I have to keep reminding myself of the things I am impressed to do, or I will forget them. After Sacrament meeting, one of the high councilors told me he wanted to meet with Steve and me. At first I had this fearful uh oh feeling, then quickly reminded myself of where we lived and thought this is about Steve not me. So I went with Steve and the High Councilor and sat down. There are so many callings that the Stake calls men to that are callings in your own ward or branch I was sure it was Steve. I had born my testimony that day and mentioned my trip to the temple, so Bro. Miller said well you obviously have a temple recommend, how about you (to Steve). He said yes. Then he turned back to me and said, Sis Arnold the Stake pres. has asked me to come and call you to be a counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I was shocked, but said yes, and realized why Heavenly Father wanted to impress that covenant to me. This calling is going to require many trips to Corvallis, so money and time. I knew then that the reason he did that is because I would have said yes, but it would have been half hearted. I was able to say whole hearted, yes. Steve and I talked about it and decided we wouldn't complain about the time or money at all. That we were going to support this 100%. I was grateful he felt that way also, because I knew Heavenly Father had been telling me for almost 24 hours that he was expecting more of me and that He felt I have it to give. I am very excited. I have wonderful women to work with. I haven't worked in Primary since Lizzie was 3!! That is a long time ago. I have never been in a Primary presidency either. To make it a little on the funny side, my main responsibilities is the scouting part of Primary!! I am starting to get excited I think about that. I am definitely excited about the 11yr old boys day camp. I plan it and make it happen. I went to the one for this year, I had been called but not sustained, so they asked me to go and help and observe. I am soooooo thankful I got to see that and get my bearings there. I am always amazed how quickly Heavenly Father starts prompting us in our callings. I saw several things that I wanted to do next year, and asked questions that led to other thoughts. Then during Stake Conference, it came to me exactly what I was to do and what the focus should be. I quickly wrote down my very sketchy program. I am excited about that!!!!

Well, enough about that !

The Saturday session a lady gave a talk about Africa and her mission there. I am tired so I will give the short version. It was very humbling, and one comment she made was that some people there have to walk 1 1/2 hours to go to church. Now it takes 1 1/2 hours to get to our stake center. When she said that I thought, how could I ever complain about going to the stake center in a car with comfy seats, heat or an air conditioner. She then talked about people that live too far to walk have to take the bus, and if they do, they can't afford to eat that day. She said that over and over again she heard them say, "I am grateful much", or "The Lord blesses me too much". These are extremely poor people, who are so grateful to have the senior couples there. Needless to say, Steve and I talked about the need to go on a mission when we can.

Mom and Dad came yesterday. We have had a good time. Poor dad (grandpa) is working his little fanny off. Mom and I have been shopping our feet off buying supplies for the beach house. Steve and I spent a ton at Costco on Saturday, so I thought naively that it wouldn't be that much at Walmart. WRONG! It cost almost the same again. Mom and I took out 5 carts and her scooter. Saturday it took 2 big flat carts to get everything out of the store. We still have a few more things to buy. But I think we are pretty much done. We are so grateful that they wanted to leave some things behind that we were able to purchase. It would have been really hard if we had started from scratch.

Well, it is late. I loved those silly videos so much, I am thinking about doing one of dad and I. We'll see, I left the house in the morning and didn't get back until dinner. I was tired enough to go to bed at 8:00, but was afraid to go to bed that early. We will have full days I am afraid until it is about 10 minutes until the renters come in!!

love to you all!!!



why haven't you been commenting on my blog?

Danielle said...

GEEZ! Sounds like a LOOOONG day. How did you scoot 5 carts around walmart? That sounds pretty intense to me. I love you and miss you!!! Good luck with the house. Once it is done and renting, take a few days to watch gilmore girls or read a book or something.


you should have brought me with you to wal-mart. Then I could have felt rich, and felt like I was buying alot of stuff! I bet you got alot of stares. That is really cool about your calling. Very odd! Not because you won't be good at it- but because you've always been with youth, and in the ward- not stake. Cool!