Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 4 Empire State Bldg and Les Mis

Today was another leisurely day. We got up a little earlier, because I actually slept last night. I exercised, we ate, Steve his Cocoa Puffs, ( he is elated that he got to pick his own cereal, he is on vacation he says, so he can eat what he wants) me my oatmeal.

Today we decided to go to the Empire State Bldg instead.

After studying the maps for a while we braved the subway again, and miraculously got ourselves there first time. We still struggle with the streets though. Steve said he or Brigham Young could have taught their developers a thing or two. Seriously, it makes no sense the way they laid out this city.

We paid an extra 56.00 for a "no wait in line ticket", and boy was it worth it. We felt like movie stars. Every time we approached a line they took us as quickly as they could to the front of the line. It was one of the most fun things I had done up to that point. Not because I felt like a movie star, but because I didn't have to wait in line once!! I can guarantee you the line was at least 2 hours long. We also paid for the audio tour. That was great, fun and very informative!! We loved the whole experience.

Steve in front of Wall Street bldgs and way in the distance, the statue of liberty.

me in the same spot kind of.

I was trying to show you how big Central Park is in this pic. Off to the left of me is a flat area, that is central park. It is so foggy, smoggy or whatever it is hard to see.

Us with our audio things around our neck.

Isn't he cute!!

I had to show you Macy's, first they haven't remodled the outside since it was built originally. From the side which you can't see they just kept adding on and on. It is the largest dept. store in the world. A street view of "most" of it and a view from on top, it is the full length of this pic!!

Tonight is Les Mis, I am sure I will be too tired to download any pics after. So I will post about it tomorrow. Steve is napping and I should be fixing dinner, we are eating in. Love you all!!! mom


Lindsay Marchant said...

You are beautiful!! You look so pretty. I think you look 10 years younger than you did 5 years ago at girls camp! Holy Moly! Have fun...Im jealous!

Lizzie said...

Looks so fun! I had to laugh about Dad and his cocoa puffs. Do men never grow out of wanting sugar cereals? I assumed Shad would be over it by the time he hit his 40s. I guess I should just let that one go. = ) The bus sounds like it was a good decision. You must have learned lots of history. How was les mis? You and Dad both look beautiful. Maybe that's another reason you felt like movie stars, because you look like them. Sorry about the subway. I should've explained the express and local thing. I also should've explained how the signs at the bottom of the subway are always for the last stop. That's how you can tell which direction to get on down below. Anyhow, hope it goes better for you later. I love you!!!


THanks for the pictures- those were really cool. I couldn't believe the buildings and the macy's store! That was so cool! You guys do look really good- That's awesome you could go to the front of the lines- Love you!