Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 9 Sunday

Well, we got up and went to church. If I didn't have a testimony, attending different wards would go a long way in helping me. It is the same spirit, the same feeling and the same kind of people. A young girl gave a talk about EFY, a lady gave a talk about being kind, and a high counselor gave a talk on giving your all to the Lord. I was uplifted and reminded to say nice things. She quoted from Elder Hollands talk in the last conference. It was an excellent talk if you haven't read it. I changed one of my posts when I got home, and wanted to change my quiz from the email. I felt uncomfortable with the question about what don't you like about yourself, but I answered it anyway. I realized that I have been working for a year to stop critisizing my body in any way. So I wish I hadn't answered that question. It's a pretty but warm day out. We may go out to the park later and explore. Oh and of course we made one wrong train on the subway. Heaven forbid we actually get somewhere and back without a mistake!!! :-)


Emily said...

Hey! I've been moving so I had to do some catching up on your posts. Sounds like you're having a blast! I love that you wore red and blue to the statue of patriotic!
And I'm glad you got to go in there, that's something I didn't get to do. It sounds way fun.

I love your pictures!

Danielle said...

I LOVE that talk. I love all of Elder Hollands talks actually. The 'kind words' one though, is fabulous. I am glad church was good for you. Church was good here too. As is it everywhere! I love you and can't wait to come in a couple weeks!!!

Lizzie said...

I should read that talk again. It seems like since I watched in on tv, and then read it twice since that I would stop talking about my body too. But I still do, so it's a good reminder for me to read it again. It is such a wonderful talk.


Well mother and father, I have been so busy with school I haven't been able to read or comment; this Friday is the last day of school for the summer- THANK-GOODNESS. Your trip looks so fun. You are so lucky you are able to stay there for a long period of time, and stay somewhere comfortable. If you were only there for 4 days, and staying in a hotel, the whole experience wouldn't have gone as well I would think. The Statue of Liberty looked so awesome! That is really cool that they had the replicas of parts of the statue so you could see how big parts really were. I loved the information on the Statue- i didn't know any of that. It makes me want to get a mini statue and put it in my apartment- so much symbolism, that is really cool. Did you get a little statue? Also- I knew this but I had forgotten- that it is copper, but it has just rusted to that green color- that's so wierd- I can't imagine in copper. Everything looks so cool and fun. You're so blessed to have the money to be able to do all of this. That was really cool what you said about the church- because- it really shows how true the church is. There's no way that church (wards) can be the same in Newyork as they are in Springfield OR. It's just not possible, but it is- because it is the true gospel. Otherwise- it would have been different, the doctorine would have been slightly different, their attitudes would have been slightly different-whether being more reverent or not at all- you know? The fact that all these wards are the same, without all the bishops calling eachother adn going over everything in the meeting- is a testament, showing how true the church is, because all these wards are led by the SAME spirit, it's really amazing, and I'm really glad you pointed that out. When the heck are you guys coming home? Also- mom are you aware that Courtenay is getting her endowments while Danielle is here? Does that mean you are not going to go? Her Bridal Shower is the day before that, just wanted to know what you were going to do. Well, I'm so glad I didn't drop that stupid class. I got 89% on the midterm, and I got a B- on a paper. So- that's good. i didn't think I had any chance at passing the class. Looks like I'm passing. Also- my other class is going great- I gave a presentation and I did so good and I got an essay back. The teacher said the average was a B-, so I thought- great- I wonder if I have a C, but I got and A-, so that's really great. Anyway- I need to go- lots to do this week. By the way- in class today, we had to watch PART of a movie where they show a guy recieving the death penalty, it was disgusting. Don't worry- I still believe in it- but it was so awful. It was rated R. But I explained the scene to Mike, and he said it was not realistic at all, I don't know what's true- but nevertheless- it was awful. on that great note- I love you- bye!